
Standard Smooth

Characteristics and safety of smooth implants

Standard Silimed Smooth implants have a mechanically resistant silicone elastometer membrane with low-bleed treatment.

Silimed Standard Smooth surface
Silimed Highly Cohesive Gel HSC

They are filled with high-performance, highly cohesive HSC gel.

The Maximum breast implant has a rounded profile and is recognized for its versatile indications, such as breast correction and breast augmentation. It is especially indicated for patients who want their breasts to be marked and completely filled, but with a more natural appearance.



bullet silimed superficie

The Maximum Breast Implant has a round profile and is recognized for its great versatility of indications, such as breast correction and augmentation. It is especially recommended for patients who want marked and full breasts, but in a more natural way.

  1. Calobrace MB, Schwartz MR, Zeidler KR, Pittman TA, Cohen R, Stevens WG. Long-Term Safety of Textured and Smooth Breast Implants. Aesthet Surg J. 2017 Dec 13;38(1):38-48