Micro-textured surface

True Texture

The micro-texture surface that makes the difference

Improved breast implant performance1 and our own texturization method (Diffusion Gas Method) with the formation of open pores on the membrane, without using reverse printing, sugar or sodium chloride.

This Silimed-patented method shows improved performance in reducing post-operative complications, such as capsular contracture and seroma.2

Micro-textured implants reduce the risk of rotation and movement, especially in anatomical implants.1

Silimed Micro-Textured Surface

Benefits with micro-texture
surface on all shapes

bullet silimed superficie

Silimed round implants with an extra-high projection have the highest projection and the perfect volume x base distribution, compared to other manufacturers. This makes it possible to reach the desired result with less volume, contributing to patients’ well-being;

bullet silimed superficie

True Texture implants are available in the BioDesign Line, with four different implant formats, developed to adapt to the different patient biotypes. Maximum, Natural, Enhance and Nuance;

bullet silimed superficie

The 10-year follow-up data from the clinical study on the range of Silimed-Sientra HSC and HSC+ silicone breast implants reaffirm their extremely safe rupture profile and demonstrate better performance compared to other manufacturers.2

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Natural results, the best version of you

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Silimed breast implants

BioDesign Collection Line

Reference: 1. GEORGEU et al, Conical Polyurethane Implants: An Uplifting Playstation, Aesthetic Surgery Journal v.33, n.8, p.1116–1128, 2013.

  1. Stevens WG, Calobrace MB, Cohen R, Fiorillo MA, Kortesis BG. Sientra high-strength cohesive textured round implant technique: roundtable discussion. Aesthet Surg J. 2015 May;35 Suppl 1:S11-21. doi: 10.1093/asj/sjv025.
  2. Stevens WG, Calobrace MB, Alizadeh K, Zeidler KR, Harrington JL, d’Incelli RC. Ten-year Core Study Data for Sientra’s Food and Drug Administration-Approved Round and Shaped Breast Implants with Cohesive Silicone Gel. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2018 Apr;141(4S Sientra Shaped and Round Cohesive Gel Implants):7S-19S.